Monday, June 28, 2010

Introducing The DAWA (Discovering Africa's Web Assets) Initiative

It is with great pleasure that we at reveal The DAWA (Discovering Africa's Web Assets) Initiative.

Dorcus Beads Initiative, Nairobi, Kenya

For months we have been listing African and Africa based companies, individuals, organizations and governments on As the days went by and the entries increased in number (over 15,000), we realized that there is a large group of African business people, organizations and individuals who have the desire to have an online presence but lack the incentive or means to do it.

Thus the DAWA Initiative was born. The DAWA Initiative’s core aim is to create more web content on Africa by designing over one million web portfolios for African companies, individuals, organizations, projects and governments.

Friends Taxi and Car Hire

As we write this, less than one percent of the billions of websites currently online are dedicated to African content. This illustrates the need for the information gap to be filled. Through the DAWA Initiative, we wish to achieve the following:

1. Make the internet relevant to Africa by creating content which appeals to the African internet community.

2. Create a platform which will give African businesses visibility on-line, thus increasing the reach of their markets globally.

3. Give African artists a face. Most musicians, sculptors, painters and dancers do not have an opportunity to showcase their work worldwide. The internet will give them a chance to do so.

4. Showcase African attractions: Most African tourism attractions do not have a comprehensive description online. With the exception of wikipedia, there are few portals on the web dedicated to the thousands of attractions that Africa has to offer like the mountains, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, wilderbeast migrations and many more marvels of nature within the continent.

Think Tank Marketing
, Nairobi, Kenya

5. Recognizing the most outstanding Africans: Africans throughout the continent and the world over have excelled in so many fields, but sadly this has gone unnoticed by the rest of the world. We look forward to compiling a comprehensive list of as many outstanding Africans as we can.

That said, here are the first five web portfolios we have done so far, 999,995 to go!!

Directions Unlimited, Nairobi, Kenya

Happy Nairobi Kids
supported by Cafe Des Arts, Nairobi, Kenya